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Our Driver Improvement Courses

FAQ Guide

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We know the rules of the road can be a maze. Don't worry, we've got your back! If these FAQs don't steer you in the right direction, feel free to call us or shoot us a message. We're here to guide you every mile of the way

Frequently asked questions.

Why Take ABC Driving's Driver Improvement Course?

Are you mandated by a court, or are you a proactive driver looking to enhance your skills? Our Driver Improvement course is a multifaceted platform designed to minimize fines, dismiss traffic tickets, and even add 5 safe driving points to your record. Plus, the Virginia DMV or Courts might require this course for specific license-related matters.

Do I Have to Finish the Course in One Day?

What's the Duration of This Course?

Virginia law mandates a minimum of 8 hours for this course, and we strictly adhere to it.

What Topics Are Covered?

How Often Can I Take This Course?

Volunteers can enroll every 24 months to earn 5 safe driving points. If the course is court-ordered, frequency will depend on the court's discretion.

Am I Eligible for ABC Driving's Course?

If you possess a valid Virginia driver's license and have no pending violations or suspensions, you're eligible. You can voluntarily take this course every 24 months to earn 5 safe driving points or comply with a mandate from the Virginia DMV.

Any Age Barriers for Online Learning?

No age restrictions here! All Virginia residents can enroll in our online course. However, keep in mind that the 5 safe driving points can be earned only once every two years.

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Your Premier Choice for a Comprehensive Defensive Driving Course Online

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(844) 590-0472

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Your Premier Choice for a Comprehensive Defensive Driving Course Online

(844) 590-0472

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